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5 Simple Ways to Make Your Brain Smarter

 1. Memories

Memory is one important way to make the brain work smarter and faster. Getting used to remembering new lessons or information makes the brain work smarter.
2. Make associations
The brain can memorize and remember using three concepts namely association, imagination and location. Association is a technique of connecting one thing to another, for example using abbreviations and playing with imagination.
3. Nutritious food
Brain intelligence can also be increased by eating nutritious foods that are rich in omega 3 from fish oil, protein and vitamin B complex. This content is proven to stimulate the brain to work better.
4. Meditation
Studies from Cambridge University show meditation can make the brain sharper and smarter. Meditation can also improve focus and concentration. The study suggests that you should regularly calm your mind for 15 minutes every day.
5. Counting and reading
Getting used to counting using your brain instead of using a calculator can keep your brain smart. This habit can be done every day such as calculating expenses.

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